

Place in a mixing bowl-

One cup of crushed bananas,
One cup of milk,
One and one-half cups of flour,
Two tablespoons of syrup,
Two tablespoons of shortening,
One egg,
Two teaspoons of baking powder.

Beat to mix and then bake in the usual manner on a well-greased smoking hot frying pan.



Peel and put two Spanish onions through the food chopper, using a fine knife. Place in a bowl and then pare and grate four medium-sized potatoes into a bowl and add

Three-quarters cup of milk,
One egg,
One tablespoon of syrup,
One and one-half teaspoons of salt,
One-half teaspoon of pepper,
Seven-eighths cup of flour,
Two level teaspoons of baking powder,
Two level teaspoons of shortening.

Beat to mix and then fry like pancakes. Serve with parsley butter.



Two cupfuls of unsweetened thin applesauce,
One well-beaten egg,
Three tablespoonfuls syrup,
Two and one-half cupfuls flour,
Three teaspoonfuls baking powder,
One tablespoonful shortening,
One-half teaspoonful cinnamon.

Beat to mix and then bake in the usual manner. Serve with butter and syrup.



One cupful mashed potatoes,
Two cupfuls flour,
One teaspoonful salt,
Three teaspoonfuls baking powder,
Two eggs,
One cupful milk,
Four tablespoonfuls syrup,
One and one-half teaspoonfuls nutmeg.

Beat to thoroughly mix and then bake on a griddle. Spread with butter and sugar.



One egg,
One-quarter cupful milk.

Beat to mix and then add

One-half cupful flour,
One-half teaspoonful salt,
One teaspoonful baking powder.

Beat well to thoroughly mix and then pour in a hot pan containing three tablespoonfuls of shortening: pour just enough to barely cover the bottom of the pan. Cover the pan with a hot lid. Let the cake bake. When ready to turn slip the cake on the hot lid and invert, returning the cake to the pan. Spread with sugar and cinnamon. Bar le duc or currant jelly may be used to spread on the cakes. Fold like an omelet and place a spoonful of jelly on top. Serve. This will make two large pancakes.



One cupful milk,
Two eggs,
One and one-half cupfuls flour,
Two teaspoonfuls baking powder,
Two tablespoonfuls shortening,
One-half teaspoonful nutmeg.

Beat to mix. Now prepare

One-half cupful of nuts, chopped very fine,
One dozen maraschino cherries, well-drained and chopped fine.

Mix well and then pour pancake in hot pan and sprinkle with the above mixture.

Let bake and then lift. Spread with honey and dust with pulverized sugar. Roll and garnish with maraschino cherry.



Place in a bowl one quart of milk and then add-

Two eggs,
One-half teaspoonful nutmeg,
Five cupfuls sifted flour,
Four tablespoonfuls syrup,
Five level teaspoonfuls baking powder.

Beat to mix and then bake. To insure sufficient cakes use two pans for cooking or bake on a griddle.



Yolk of one egg,
Two tablespoonfuls sugar or syrup,
One cupful milk,
One tablespoonful shortening,
One teaspoonful salt,
One teaspoonful vanilla or nutmeg,
One and one-quarter cupfuls flour,
Two level teaspoonfuls baking powder.

Place in a bowl. Beat with a Dover egg-beater to thoroughly mix and then fold in the stiffly beaten white of egg. Pour the mixture into a pitcher and then place two tablespoonfuls of shortening in a frying pan. When smoking hot pour in just sufficient batter to cover the bottom of the pan. When it begins to bubble turn the cake over and bake on the other side. Lift and spread lightly with jelly or roll, or use the following mixture:

Three tablespoonfuls butter,
One-half cupful of sugar,

Cream well, and then add

One tablespoonful lemon juice,
One tablespoon boiling water.

Beat to blend.



Use a frying-pan that is perfectly flat; the iron ones are best, as they hold the heat longer and can be regulated so that the cake will not burn.


Swedish Pancakes With Aigre-Doux Sauce

Beat, until light, the yolks of six eggs; add one-half a teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in one tablespoonful of vinegar, then two cups of sifted flour, alternately, with the beaten whites of the eggs, and if necessary add enough milk to make a thin batter. Pour a small ladleful at a time on the griddle; spread each cake, when cooked, with raspberry jam, roll up like a jelly roll, pile on a hot platter, dust over with powdered sugar, and serve with each one a spoonful of Aigre-Doux Sauce.



Make a batter using half pound sifted flour and three good sized eggs with a cupful of milk. This makes a very thin batter. When smooth and free from lumps, bake in a well buttered frying pan, making the cakes about eight inches in diameter. As soon as brown on one side turn. When cooked on both sides remove to a hot serving dish and sprinkle with sweetened pineapple. Bake the remainder of batter in the same way, piling in layers with the pineapple between the cakes. Cut in triangular pieces like pie and serve very hot.



One cup of coarse crumbs, soaked over-night in a quart of warm milk, or milk and water. In the morning mash fine, and run through a sieve. Add three eggs well beaten, half a cup of flour, a large spoonful of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt, and, if liked, a little nutmeg. If the bread was in the least sour, add a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little warm water. Bake like pancakes, but more slowly.


Cottage Cheese Pancakes

1 cup prepared pancake 4 tablespoons top milk or light cream 1 teaspoon salt 4 eggs, well beaten 1 tablespoon sugar 2 cups cottage cheese, put through ricer Mix batter and stir in cheese last until smooth.


Pink Pancakes

These are rarely seen at an English table, although they form a very pleasing variety. Boil a large red beetroot until it is very tender; then peel it, cut it into thin slices, pound it to a pulp in a marble mortar, and strain through muslin; add the yolks of five eggs, two tablespoonfuls of flour, four of cream, plenty of pounded loaf sugar, half a nutmeg grated, and a wineglassful of brandy; rub the whole into a batter, and fry the pancakes with melted butter, ghee, or lard; serve them up hot, garnished with green candied sweetmeats.


Indian Pancakes

Add to three well-beaten eggs a pint of new milk, three tablespoonfuls of flour, some sugar, and a little pounded cinnamon; mix all well together, and fry in butter; brown the upper side for a minute before the fire; serve it, cut into four, with pounded sugar strewed over it.


Common Pancakes

With nearly half a pound of flour mix five well-beaten eggs, and then add, by degrees, a quart of good milk; fry them in fresh lard, and serve them with pounded loaf sugar strewed between each.


French Pancakes

Beat separately the yolks and whites of seven eggs; beat with the yolks four tablespoonfuls of pounded loaf sugar, the same quantity of flour, one pint of cream or milk, the grated peel and juice of one lemon, and two tablespoonfuls of rose-water; add the beaten whites the last thing. Allow three tablespoonfuls to each pancake.


Stew half a pound of whole rice in water till it is very tender, and let it stand in
a basin to cool. Break it small, put to it half a pint of scalded cream, half a pound of clarified butter, a handful of flour, a little nutmeg and salt, and five eggs well beaten. Stir these well together, and fry them in butter or lard. Serve them up with sugar sifted over them, and a Seville orange or lemon cut and laid round the dish. This preparation may be made into a pudding, either baked or boiled, and with currants added or not, as approved. Three quarters of an hour will bake it, and an hour will boil it.