
Pancake with Fruit

Take 4 eggs, a cup of cream or rich milk, and flour enough to make a thin batter. Add a little fine sugar and nutmeg. Butter the griddle and turn the batter on. Let it spread as large as a common dinner plate. When done on one side, turn it, as a pancake. Have some nice preserves, and spread over quickly. Roll the cake up, place on a flat dish, sift on a little powdered sugar and cinnamon, a little butter, if you wish, and serve hot. Be careful and not make the batter too thin.


To make a Sussex Pancake

Take only some very good Pie Paste made with hot Liquor, and roul it thin, and fry it with Butter, and serve it in with beaten spice and sugar as hot as you can.


To make good Pancakes

Take twenty Eggs with half the Whites, and beat them well and mix them with fine flower and beaten Spice, a little Salt, Sack, Ale, and a little Yeste, do not make your Batter too thin, then beat it well, and let it stand a little while to rise, then fry them with sweet Lard or with Butter, and serve them in with the Juice of Orange and Sugar.


Apple Pancakes

Mix 2 cups sifted flour with 2 cups water, ½ teaspoonful salt and the yolks of 3 eggs; when these are well mixed together add the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth; place a fryingpan with 1 tablespoonful lard over the fire; when hot pour in some of the mixture, about ¼ inch in thickness, put over this a thick layer of very finely cut apples, slip a knife underneath the pancake to keep it from burning and shake the pan too and fro; when the underside is a light brown slip the pancake onto a plate; put a piece of pan and let it fry slowly until apples are soft; slip the pancake onto a hot plate and set it over a saucepan of hot water until the remaining mixture is baked the same way. These ingredients will make from 3 to 4 cakes, according to the size of pan. They can be served separately or piled on top of one another. Sprinkle some sugar over each pancake.